English language requirements in the current international scientific publishing world


English for research publication purposes (ERPP)
English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
science and engineering
international academic publishing
journal submission guidelines
academic writing instruction
Elf (English as a lingua franca)
inglés para fines de investigación
inglés para fines académicos
ciencias e ingenierías
publicación académica internacional
normas de envío de artículos en revistas científicas
enseñanza de la escritura académica
inglés como lingua franca

How to Cite

Jin, B. (2020). English language requirements in the current international scientific publishing world: A content analysis of submission guidelines in chemical engineering . Ibérica, (40), 59–74. Retrieved from http://revistaiberica.org/index.php/iberica/article/view/58


There has been widespread concern over the issue of nonnative speakers’ engagement in English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP). The question of what kind of language for research writing is expected from international journals calls for further research. This study reports on a qualitative analysis of 140 journal submission guidelines in a specific engineering discipline (i.e., Chemical Engineering, henceforth CE). The findings highlight that while the majority of the guidelines tend to ask for native-like English, there is an emerging inclusive trend calling for clarity and understandability in response to the diversity of English adopted by global scientific communities and also the underlying disciplinary practices of science and engineering (S&E). The study echoes and extends the literature on ERPP. The implications are discussed mainly in two aspects. Journal policy makers of engineering journal guidelines are expected to consider linguistic diversity in manuscript review and publication. Academic writing instructors can design reading activities using Instructions for Authors in target journals for novice writers to have a systematic and solid understanding of journal language policies, or invite nonnative disciplinary researchers to share their experience in ERPP writing practices

Copyright (c) 2020 Bixi Jin

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