Ibérica welcomes submissions about languages in professional communication and languages for specific purposes. Although Ibérica only accepts articles written in English, we particularly welcome submissions about addressing these aspects in other languages (Spanish, Italian, Arabic or Chinese for specific purposes, for example).
Beware of academic fraud!
Beware of academic fraud! It has come to our notice that pirate versions of some OJS journals are in operation on https://opensubmissionsystem.com/. These have NOTHING to do with Ibérica, and we NEVER charge any publishing fee.
Beware of academic fraud
Beware of academic fraud! It has come to our notice that pirate versions of some OJS journals are in operation on https://opensubmissionsystem.com/. These have NOTHING to do with Ibérica, and we NEVER charge any publishing fee.
Watch the latest video abstracts on the Ibérica You Tube channel
Ibérica now has a dedicated You Tube channel with video abstracts: https://www.youtube.com/@IbericaJournal