Linguistic validation of the Aneurysm Dependent Quality of Life (AneurysmDQoL) and Aneurysm Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (AneurysmTSQ) into Spanish and Catalan


Linguistic Validation
Medical Translation
Healthcare Communication
Quality of Life

How to Cite

Kotatkova, A., Álamo Rodríguez, M., & Miralles Hernández, M. (2024). Linguistic validation of the Aneurysm Dependent Quality of Life (AneurysmDQoL) and Aneurysm Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (AneurysmTSQ) into Spanish and Catalan. Ibérica, (48), 97–120.


This study addresses the translation and linguistic validation of two questionnaires on quality of life (AneurysmDQoL) and treatment satisfaction (AneurysmTSQ) for Catalan and Spanish-speaking patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms. The translation and cross-cultural adaptation process involved several phases, including forward translations, backtranslations, revisions, and cognitive debriefing with patients to ensure equivalence to the original English version, and comprehensibility for individuals without specialized medical knowledge. In this article, we set out the methodology for the linguistic validation of the questionnaire translations and its effectiveness assessment, under the supervision of Health Psychology Research (HPR), United Kingdom, who manage the questionnaires. We analyse the linguistic validation process, highlighting the main challenges and difficulties posed by these texts. The goal of this validation is the implementation of these questionnaires in clinical studies conducted in hospitals across Spain. This will enhance the care provided to patients with aneurysms by improving our understanding of their concerns and difficulties, and provide insight into their opinions of their treatment. However, obtaining clinical data accurately and making meaningful cross-country and cross-linguistic comparisons is only possible with questionnaires that are accurate, equivalent to the original, easily understandable, and free from ambiguities.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Adela Kotatkova, María Álamo Rodríguez, Manuel Miralles Hernández

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