Elementos metacomunicativos en el artículo de divulgación médica (inglésespa ñol) e implicaciones didácticas para la formación de traductores


elementos metacomunicativos
artículos de divulgación médica
inglés escrito
español escrito
formación de traductores médicos
metacommunicative elements
popular medical articles
written English
written Spanish
medical translators training

How to Cite

Mayor Serrano, M. B. (2003). Elementos metacomunicativos en el artículo de divulgación médica (inglésespa ñol) e implicaciones didácticas para la formación de traductores. Ibérica, (6), 89–107. Retrieved from http://revistaiberica.org/index.php/iberica/article/view/486


Metacommunicative elements contribute to clarifying the authors intention and to alleviating the addressees reception of the information conveyed by the text. They play an important role in the sphere of popular writing. Therefore, they should be taken into account in the training of medical translators. However, researchers have paid little attention to these elements, mostly from a contrastive perspective of crucial importance for translation didactics. The subject of this paper is therefore metacommunicative elements in popular articles in the field of medicine, and the linguistic material by which they are expressed, both in English and Spanish. In short, this paper shows how various metacommunicative elements, in both languages, enhance the intelligibility of the LSP texts

Copyright (c) 2003 María Blanca Mayor Serrano

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